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Aug 12, 2022

"Go outside your comfort zone. You will find a whole new world out there! Don't forget to laugh at yourself. Just have fun and smile when you can."

About the Interview

In this episode of Hilary Topper on Air, Hilary speaks with her children, Zoey and Derek Topper, about the impact of her journey from couch potato to endurance athlete. Listen as they talk about special moments together and the takeaways each one of them has walked away with from watching Hilary change her life and her health. Learn more about Hilary's newly released book!

Purchase From Couch Potato to Endurance Athlete

From Couch Potato to Endurance Athlete, is now available. You can purchase the book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or at a local bookstore near you. Hilary is also appearing across the country this year at various bookstores where she'll be there to talk about her book, answer your questions, and autograph your copy. For more information on book tour cities and dates, or to order a book, visit