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Oct 19, 2021

Thanks to advances in modern medicine, most of us don’t reach the halfway point in life until our mid-forties. With many potentially productive years ahead, how do we best prepare to make the second half of our lives, the best half?

About the Interview

In this episode of Hilary Topper on Air, Hilary speaks with Ron Roel, former Newsday journalist and president of Roel Resources - a New York editorial consulting firm that provides information services specializing in aging issues. Learn from Ron how to make the second half of your life the best half as he discusses how he provides resources to help people age successfully. Learn about his upcoming resource guide, The Caregiving Navigator, on long-term care, finances, retirement, and more. Also hear about his radio podcast, "45 Forward."

About Ron Roel

Ron Roel is a veteran journalist, author, and radio show host who is passionate about promoting “successful aging” across the generations, providing useful information, pragmatic solutions, and compelling stories to help people explore rewarding experiences throughout life. He recently launched “45 Forward,” a nationwide internet talk radio show on Each week, Ron explores a wide range of topics with guest experts, integrating key components of work and careers, health, finance, family and friends, housing, and individual passions to prepare people for their journey through the second half of life.

Ron spent 20 years as a writer and editor at Newsday, Long Island’s daily newspaper, covering business, workplace issues, real estate, and politics, as well as helping to found Act 2, the paper’s weekly section for readers aged 50-plus.

As President of Roel Resources LLC, an editorial consulting firm, Ron has written extensively on aging topics, spoken at numerous conferences, and on radio and TV shows. He is completing a hands-on manual for caregivers on Long Island, The Caregiving Navigator/How to Plan, What to do, and Where to Turn When Caring for you Aging Loved Ones. And Yourself, scheduled for publication in the fall of  2021.

Contact Roel Resources

Roel Resources LLC is an editorial consulting firm focusing on aging and retirement issues. The firm also offers writing and editing services in several other subject areas, providing website content, print articles, in-depth business reports, and nonfiction books. For more information or to contact Ron, visit